Enable Slurmdbd for Slurm

In recent days, we enable the slurmdbd for slurm running in our cluster. This post records some issues that I solved in this process.
Hope it will help other people having the same requirements and issues.

First, I will list the most useful link for this task.
Suprisingly, this link does any keyword associated with slurmdbd. Thus, it will not appear in your search results.
However, it contains most information you should know. These information includes how to modify slurm.conf, setting database, and create slurmdbd.conf.

Second, I will describe the issues that I have and how to solve them. If you have the similar issues, then you are lucky.

  1. Port issues: The default port of slurmdbd is 6819. Mysql’s default port is 3306. You should make sure these two port of the machine who running slurmdbd is OK for connection. You may want to check your firewall rules. However, if there are no rules banned the connection to these two ports, it does not mean these two ports are open for connection. Thus, I will suggest to use telnet hostname 6819(3306) to test the connection of the port.

John Doe

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